WPBO’s third Ash-throated Flycatcher

I’m just going to start by acknowledging that flipping my schedule from night to day, plus some technical issues on my part has me playing catch up on blogging. There’s nothing for it at this point but to just jump in. 

There have already been some exciting vagrants this fall, including the Point’s third Ash-throated Flycatcher, fourth Black Vulture, and a Western Kingbird. The weather has been and continues to be of major impact on migration on a daily basis. We’re currently going through an unsettled weather pattern that stalled out migration yesterday, but it is an interesting time to be birding at the Point. 

The early season migrants are still present in decent numbers, and the mid-season migrants have begun to trickle in. Although their peak may have passed, warblers are migrating through as the first Winter Wrens, Rusty Blackbirds, and Lapland Longspurs have arrived. We hope that the warblers will continue, at least for a little while, as the mid-season migrants pick up.

Chris Neri
2021 Field Ornithologist