Field Notes

This blog is your go-to for recent sightings at the Point, including both the usual suspects and the rare species that have been spotted, more in-depth looks at the habitats found here, educational programming being offered, and more. The unique juxtaposition of land and water at the Point funnels many birds through WPBO and over 340 species have been identified at the Point. Be sure to check this blog for regular updates!

Piping Plover Week 13 Update

For the past two weeks, Whitefish Point has been virtually ploverless. On August 5, a fledgling from Vermilion stopped by for a brief rest and has not returned since. The exclosure at the Point. Photo by Stephanie Owens Sunday struck a nostalgic chord as I ventured to the beach to clean up [...]

2024-08-13T09:56:25-04:00August 12th, 2024|Field Notes, Piping Plover|Comments Off on Piping Plover Week 13 Update

Piping Plover Week 12 Update

It appears that the Piping Plover breeding season is practically at its close. I last saw Little Bill Bob with his chick on July 28. Now, I hike the beach from end to end, with my plover findings turning up short. O chick has shown sporadically, and I feel a twinge of sadness when [...]

2024-08-13T10:18:22-04:00August 5th, 2024|Field Notes, Piping Plover|Comments Off on Piping Plover Week 12 Update

Piping Plover Week 11 Update

Baby takes flight! Little Bill Bob peeping to Baby. Photo by Stephanie Owens On July 21, I observed Little Bill Bob with his chick lounging around near their old exclosure. Suddenly, Bob flew away out of sight. I sat there looking at Baby, a bit puzzled, wondering why Bob left in such [...]

2024-07-30T12:42:47-04:00July 29th, 2024|Field Notes, Piping Plover|Comments Off on Piping Plover Week 11 Update

Piping Plover Week 10 Update

Sunburning away again in Ploveritaville. The captive-reared chicks in their carrier. Photo by Stephanie Owens On Monday, July 15, three captive-reared Piping Plover chicks were released at Whitefish Point. They were salvaged as eggs from Sleeping Bear Dunes because their father went missing, which left the incubating duties solely to the mother. Once [...]

2024-07-22T15:32:57-04:00July 22nd, 2024|Field Notes, Piping Plover|Comments Off on Piping Plover Week 10 Update

Piping Plover Week 9 Update

Baby is a Bob! On Sunday, July 7, Baby was banded. His code is X,B/O/B:O,B (I say that he is a Bob because of the triple split Blue/Orange/Blue band). The number 270 appears on his blue band, and a green dot appears on the orange band just above. These are his chick bands, and [...]

2024-07-16T13:27:41-04:00July 15th, 2024|Field Notes, Piping Plover|Comments Off on Piping Plover Week 9 Update

Piping Plover Week 8 Update

The last chick lives! "Baby" on June 29. Photo by Stephanie Owens After last week's turbulence, I'm happy to report our plover family is alive and well. My days are now occupied with watching Vie and Little Bill Bob care for their chick. I've been calling the chick "Baby" in reference to [...]

2024-07-08T10:02:27-04:00July 6th, 2024|Field Notes, Piping Plover|Comments Off on Piping Plover Week 8 Update

Piping Plover Week 7 Update

Merlin sitting in the tree line. Photo by Stephanie Owens On Sunday, I walked onto the beach with hope and excitement. I wasn’t sure if the eggs would hatch that day, but I knew that they would come sometime soon. Almost as if a bad omen, a Merlin sat perched at the [...]

2024-07-03T09:34:51-04:00June 29th, 2024|Field Notes, Piping Plover|Comments Off on Piping Plover Week 7 Update

Piping Plover Week 6 Update

By the time you read this, four little Piping Plover chicks may be taking their first steps on the shore of Whitefish Point. With their hatch date right around the corner, June 23, I watch in anticipation and preparation. Piping Plover chicks are described as small cotton balls on two toothpicks, so naturally, I [...]

2024-06-24T12:41:47-04:00June 22nd, 2024|Field Notes, Piping Plover|Comments Off on Piping Plover Week 6 Update

Piping Plover Week 5 Update

Piping Plover activity at Whitefish Point continues without a hitch as I patiently wait for June 23. Vie on shore. Photo by Stephanie Owens Each day, I check on the nest and watch for an incubation exchange between Vie and Little Bill Bob to make sure each is present and fulfilling their [...]

2024-06-17T14:36:46-04:00June 17th, 2024|Field Notes, Piping Plover|Comments Off on Piping Plover Week 5 Update

Piping Plover Week 4 Update

Monitoring this week consisted of the usual suspects. Lover Boy spends most of his time east of the boardwalk entrance. Wybie hangs out just west of it. The popular foraging area is directly between either territory, with Little Bill Bob in the mix, causing skirmishes amongst all the males. Vie and Bob continue to [...]

2024-06-11T10:50:03-04:00June 10th, 2024|Field Notes, Piping Plover|Comments Off on Piping Plover Week 4 Update
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