Waterbird Highlights:
This week (Oct. 22–28), we had 26 species of waterbirds, with our highlight being gulls; BLACK-LEGGED KITTIWAKE, Lesser Black-backed Gull, and an Iceland Gull (kumlieni). The kittiwake made a flyby appearance while the other two species of gulls hung out at the harbor and the Point.

Lesser Black-backed Gull (Fall 2021)

A pair of Black-bellied Plovers have decided to spend another week in the quickly shrinking pond near the Point. The temperature has dramatically changed since they have first arrived, making us wonder when weather conditions will force these two to leave the security of the Point.

Black-bellied Plover (Fall 2021)

This week, our most abundant waterbird species, and likely for the rest of the season, continues to be the Long-tailed Duck. A few have been lingering in the bay and even in the pond near the plovers. As for the rest of the waterfowl, the easterly winds have dried up our chances of decent migration days. The forecast shows some northern wind components later during the weekend, which may be exciting for some movement of waterbirds.

Long-tailed Duck (Fall 2021)

Other Bird Highlights:
Winter finches continue to move through strong, with new finch visitors like the Pine Grosbeak. Another recent visitor to the count has been an ear-full of Bohemian Waxwings. Snow Buntings are now the most numerous beachfront passerine along the shore, with a few pipits, larks, and longspurs scattered along the dune line.

White-winged Crossbills (Fall 2021)

~ Mario Balitbit, 2021 Fall Waterbird Counter

You can see results for the 2021 Fall Waterbird Count on Dunkadoo, read Mario’s weekly blog post, and follow WPBO’s social media (FacebookInstagram, and Twitter) for waterbird count highlights from the season.