Piping Plover Chick

Over the weekend, we were fortunate to have two nests of Piping Plovers hatch at the Point! Nest 2 hatched first, and all four eggs hatched. Nest 1 hatched a couple of days later, and both eggs hatched as well. As of today, July 5, all six chicks are still being seen daily. The other two nests are doing well, with both nests still being incubated. I expect those nests to hatch in the next two weeks.

Other shorebird activity has also been fairly exciting. Two Whimbrels made a brief pass around the tip and continued heading north on July 5. White-rumped Sandpiper and Sanderling numbers have decreased, but there were sightings of both on July 5. As expected, toward the end of June and the beginning of July, Least Sandpiper numbers have steadily increased. There have been counts of 22 and 28 in the last several days. An Osprey heading out over the lake was a cool sighting on July 2.

As always, please remain outside of the closed area. Some of the plover chicks are being seen outside the closed area along the shoreline, and it is important that these chicks are bothered as little as possible as they continue to grow.

Piping Plover male brooding. Photo by Alec Olivier

Whimbrel. Photo by Alec Olivier

Piping Plover chick. Photo by Alec Olivier

~ Alec Olivier
2022 Piping Plover Monitor

You can keep up with the Piping Plovers at the Point by reading Alec’s blogs or following WPBO on social media (FacebookInstagram, and Twitter).

You can also check out the video from 2021 featuring the Piping Plovers at the Point.