Merlin on the Merlin pole

Thanks to Robert Lawshe for setting up the Merlin pole! Photo by Alec Olivier

The second week of the fall waterbird count continues to get better. Currently, the primary species migrating are Red-necked Grebes, Common Tern, and shorebirds. Bonaparte’s Gulls have been doing very well so far, with a season total of 162 as of Aug. 25. The season total of Red-necked Grebes so far is 1,263, with the majority of these being counted on two days, with 533 on Aug. 18 and 439 on Aug. 22. Shorebird diversity has been picking up in the last week with decent numbers of Baird’s, Least, and Semipalmated Sandpipers being seen daily. Small numbers of Pectoral and Solitary Sandpipers have also been seen on most days recently. The first Buff-breasted Sandpiper of the count was a flyover on Aug. 24. Duck numbers continue to be slow, with small numbers of most dabblers being seen. A small flight of 121 Blue-winged Teal on Aug. 22 was a nice treat. So far, the second most significant flight of ducks was 32 Green-winged Teal on Aug. 25. The first diving ducks have also been starting to make appearances with small numbers of Bufflehead, Hooded Merganser, Common Merganser, Red-breasted Merganser, Redhead, and White-winged Scoters being recorded. The highlights of the last week were two Black Terns on Aug. 20, and one Jaeger species and one Parasitic Jaeger on Aug. 23.

Common and Hooded Merganser's

Common and Hooded Mergansers. Photo by Alec Olivier

~ Alec Olivier
2022 Fall Waterbird Counter

Featured Photo: “Bruce” the local Ring-billed Gull. Photo by Alec Olivier

You can see live updates for the 2022 Fall Waterbird Count on Dunkadoo, read Alec’s weekly blog post, and follow WPBO’s social media (FacebookInstagram, and Twitter) for waterbird count highlights this season.