It’s hard to believe, but the first month of the fall waterbird count is already over. Roughly 13,000 waterbirds have already gone past the Point on their journey to their wintering grounds. The top three species so far have been Red-necked Grebe (3,558), Blue-winged Teal (1,492), and Common Tern (1,195). Most species have yet to really get going, and I expect things to start heating up in the next week or so.

Waterbird highlights in the last week was a female type Harlequin Duck that passed the Point on Sept. 13. Although much more common statewide, a Pied-billed Grebe that flew in off the lake on the morning of the Sept. 9 is significantly rarer at the Point. Seeing a Pied-billed Grebe in an extended flight was extremely bizarre and didn’t quite register immediately. On Sept. 13, a total of 199 Common and 30 Red-throated Loons represent high counts this season for loons. Hopefully, in the coming week, these numbers will be broken. Red-necked Grebes have yet to have another 200+ day since the almost 1,000 passed on Aug. 30. The first two weeks of September typically are when the majority of Red-necked Grebes pass the Point. The season total is still roughly 6,000–7,000 grebes short of the fall seasonal average.

~ Alec Olivier
2022 Fall Waterbird Counter

Featured Photo: Double-crested Cormorant. Photo by Alec Olivier

You can see live updates for the 2022 Fall Waterbird Count on Dunkadoo, read Alec’s weekly blog post, and follow WPBO’s social media (FacebookInstagram, and Twitter) for waterbird count highlights this season.