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Support Avian Research at WPBO

Whitefish Point Bird Observatory is an extension of Michigan Audubon, a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting birds and people for the benefit of both. Michigan Audubon maintains all avian research and banding projects at the Observatory through grant funding, contracts, and donations from individuals like you.

What you get from supporting Michigan Audubon and our work at Whitefish Point is the satisfaction of knowing you are helping to preserve fragile, endangered habitats and bird species. You stand behind our commitment to continued, expert research in bird conservation. And your support allows us to reach more people as we educate the public about species monitoring, habitat protection, and why it’s so important to protect birds and their habitats.

Join Michigan Audubon

Become a member of Michigan Audubon to support WPBO’s research, education, and stewardship programs, as well as the programs and conservation work Michigan Audubon conducts throughout the state.

[su_button url=”https://wpbo.org/join/” background=”#72a7b1″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” size=”15″]Learn more about joining Michigan Audubon[/su_button]


Whether helping at special events, leading tours, or assisting with avian research, the Observatory can always use the help of volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering seasonally (April 1-October 1) and would like to learn more about current opportunities at WPBO, please email us at birds@michiganaudubon.org.

[su_button url=”mailto:birds@michiganaudubon.org” background=”#72a7b1″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” size=”15″]Interested in volunteering? Write to us here![/su_button]


WPBO depends on your support to help fund the bird counts, owl bandings, and avian research. Donate to Michigan Audubon to support WPBO today. A mention of WPBO in your donation description ensures your full donation is committed to our bird conservation work at the Point. 

[su_button url=”https://wpbo.org/donate/” background=”#72a7b1″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” size=”15″]Donate to Michigan Audubon Online[/su_button]

If you prefer donating by mail, checks can be mailed to the Michigan Audubon office at:

Michigan Audubon, 2310 Science Parkway, Suite 200, Okemos, Michigan 48864