Hawk Count

What Bird is That?

To some people, bird identification can seem like a mystical art. Those who master it have gleaned their knowledge from studying the arcane lore of bird ID, leafing through dusty tomes called field guides far into the wee hours of the morning. These masters have journeyed to distant lands, sought the unseekable, and made [...]

2021-05-27T09:53:43-04:00May 11th, 2021|Migration Counts|Comments Off on What Bird is That?

Flight of the Sharpies

Well, folks, it finally happened. Sharp-shinned Hawks dominated the skies, with nearly 3,000 birds zipping past the hawk deck this past weekend. Days like these are what hawk counters live for, and as each hawk passes, it takes with it a bit of the memory of hours upon hours of staring at the empty [...]

2021-05-27T09:54:09-04:00May 4th, 2021|Migration Counts|Comments Off on Flight of the Sharpies

Celebrating Spring Migration at Whitefish Point — A Webinar Series

Many of you already know and respect just how crucial avian research is, but do you know what makes Whitefish Point Bird Observatory such an excellent place for these research efforts to take place? Tune in with us each Thursday in May to learn about topics inspired by our research at WPBO in a free [...]

2021-05-04T16:29:10-04:00May 4th, 2021|Field Notes|Comments Off on Celebrating Spring Migration at Whitefish Point — A Webinar Series

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

I am sure you have heard the expression "a picture is worth a thousand words" but, have you ever asked yourself how much a picture costs? These days, I am just as likely to see a person carrying a camera up to the hawk deck as I am likely to see a person carrying [...]

2021-04-28T12:59:51-04:00April 27th, 2021|Migration Counts|Comments Off on A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

A Sweet South Breeze

After a string of several days where strong north winds stalled migration and kept yours truly huddling in the hawk shack trying to stay warm, the past four days have had a sweet south breeze, and along with warmer temperatures, it has brought birds! My first clue to this change in avian traffic was [...]

2021-04-06T19:20:57-04:00April 6th, 2021|Migration Counts|Comments Off on A Sweet South Breeze

A Bird in the Sky

Let there be no illusion that hawk watching is full of frame-filling, jaw-dropping images of raptors swooping past you in all their glory. Let there also be no illusion that time spent early-season hawk watching is filled with flights that never allow for one dull moment. March skies cover Whitefish Point like a steel [...]

2021-03-30T20:10:54-04:00March 30th, 2021|Migration Counts|Comments Off on A Bird in the Sky

Return To Paradise

Hey there everybody! My name is Rich Couse, and I will be your friendly neighborhood hawk counter at the Whitefish Point Bird Observatory this spring. I'm back for my second spring hawk count for Michigan Audubon, and you can find me in the shack on the Hawk Deck way atop the sandy lakeshore dunes. [...]

2021-03-17T10:33:41-04:00March 16th, 2021|Migration Counts|Comments Off on Return To Paradise
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