Northern Saw-whet Owl

The Spring Owl Banding Begins

As always, Nova Mackentley and I are excited for the start of the owl banding season. It's hard to believe, but this is my 20th spring owl banding season at WPBO, and Nova is only a few seasons behind me. We don't have much to report yet, but after a couple of nights of [...]

2021-04-29T11:24:28-04:00March 17th, 2021|Owl Banding|Comments Off on The Spring Owl Banding Begins

A Slow and Frigid Start to Spring Owl Banding

By Chris Neri and Nova Mackentley Boreal Owl banded at WPBO Nova Mackentley and I are excited to be back at WPBO for another spring owl banding season. The banding results in March can vary significantly from year to year, and we’re unfortunately off to a slow and frigid start this [...]

2018-03-23T10:42:56-04:00March 23rd, 2018|Owl Banding|Comments Off on A Slow and Frigid Start to Spring Owl Banding
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