Piping Plover


Piping Plover with spread wings. Photo by Alec Olivier It's hard to believe, but we're almost halfway through the 2022 Piping Plover season. There isn't much new to report since my last blog, which opposed to migration counting is a good thing. All four active nests are being incubated by their parents [...]

2022-08-12T09:33:27-04:00June 24th, 2022|Field Notes|Comments Off on Midway

Week 3 of the Fall 2021 Waterbird Count

Waterbird Highlights: This week (Aug. 28–Sept. 2), 36 species (+1 other taxa) of waterbirds have passed by the Point. If you have been keeping up with Dunkadoo numbers, you are probably wondering where all the Red-necked Grebes are! We are wondering the same thing. This time last year, there had already been over 5,000 individuals; this [...]

2021-09-03T10:06:57-04:00September 3rd, 2021|Migration Counts|Comments Off on Week 3 of the Fall 2021 Waterbird Count

Bring On the Fall 2021 Waterbird Count!

It’s that time of year again where we waterbird counters set out to the Point prepared to count the fall waterbird migration. As you may have seen in our recent social media posting, I (Mario) will be your guide during this fall adventure. This will be my first time working and living in the [...]

2021-08-27T10:42:35-04:00August 27th, 2021|Migration Counts|Comments Off on Bring On the Fall 2021 Waterbird Count!

Celebrating Spring Migration at Whitefish Point — A Webinar Series

Many of you already know and respect just how crucial avian research is, but do you know what makes Whitefish Point Bird Observatory such an excellent place for these research efforts to take place? Tune in with us each Thursday in May to learn about topics inspired by our research at WPBO in a free [...]

2021-05-04T16:29:10-04:00May 4th, 2021|Field Notes|Comments Off on Celebrating Spring Migration at Whitefish Point — A Webinar Series

WPBO late summer update

Seasons take on their own forms at Whitefish Point, but in the current progression of summer and advance of fall, the wild blueberries are coming on amidst the jack pines, mushrooms are beginning to push up from the lichens, and warblers, subdued in song and plumage, mill around the point while the new wave of [...]

2020-08-11T11:54:11-04:00August 11th, 2020|Field Notes|Comments Off on WPBO late summer update

Fledge Day; Grebe Day!

Here are three bits of exciting news from WPBO this past week: 1. We received three juvenile Piping Plovers from the Great Lakes Piping Plover captive rearing program! Since 1992, eggs from nests compromised by storm surge, parent plover mortality, or “side chick” situations (yes, that’s exactly what you think it is!) have been salvaged, [...]

2020-07-28T14:05:15-04:00July 28th, 2020|Field Notes|Comments Off on Fledge Day; Grebe Day!

Zombie Chick is Zombie Dad!

...and, he has been since July 3. Hannah (who you’ll recognize as WPBO's summer assistant bander) and I were enjoying one of those rare times of the day that we’re both awake with an afternoon beach walk. We paused at the nest exclosure; when I’d been out earlier that day, the adult plovers were still [...]

2020-07-21T17:13:37-04:00July 21st, 2020|Field Notes|Comments Off on Zombie Chick is Zombie Dad!

The Hatch

There are certain subjects that dominate conversation around WPBO. Weather, migrations, and our latest spoils from out-of-town grocery hauls are trusty standbys. I’ve noticed, though, that we’ve added some summer specials to the mix, like the tenuous relationship between black bears and bird feeders, and the mosquito hatch.  This is, actually, my first full summer [...]

2020-07-07T15:07:46-04:00July 6th, 2020|Field Notes|Comments Off on The Hatch

WPBO’s 2020 Plovers-in-Residence

Piping Plover monitoring at WPBO has ushered in a change of pace for me: though I work just a few hundred yards from my old station at the waterbird shack, I now spend a good portion of my time intently looking at just two birds when, before, I spent my time intently looking for all [...]

2020-07-07T15:03:13-04:00June 23rd, 2020|Field Notes|Comments Off on WPBO’s 2020 Plovers-in-Residence
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