Recent Sightings

Memorial Day Finale

With almost 350 visitors to the Hawk Deck over the holiday weekend, the last few days of the season felt like one big parade with humans far outnumbering all the hawks I counted over the same period. Many of the visitors who come to Whitefish Point are birders who understand the concept of migration [...]

2022-08-12T09:37:26-04:00May 31st, 2022|Migration Counts|Comments Off on Memorial Day Finale

Woke Up This Morning

I woke up this morning and brewed my coffee extra strong. My head was still reeling from a whirlwind weekend of raptors and visitors brought up to Whitefish Point by sunny skies, favorable winds, and warmer temperatures that reached way up into the 40s! Yet, before I even opened my eyes, I was seeing [...]

2022-08-12T09:46:44-04:00May 3rd, 2022|Migration Counts|Comments Off on Woke Up This Morning

The Blue and the Gray

The snow falls sideways here at Whitefish Point. Two miles down the road, I can look out my bedroom window and see a light snowfall drifting out of the sky, and it's the kind of snowfall that makes me think I am living inside the idyllic world of a snow globe. However, when I [...]

2022-08-12T09:51:17-04:00April 19th, 2022|Migration Counts|Comments Off on The Blue and the Gray


This morning is different. Somehow my senses seem sharper, the world around me is magnified, and I am able to take in everything at once. Yes, the snow has stopped. Yes, it is warmer; the mercury in the thermometer has risen to 34 degrees Fahrenheit. Fog filters through the spruce forest, shrouding the snow-covered [...]

2022-08-12T09:52:48-04:00April 5th, 2022|Migration Counts|Comments Off on Silence

So Long, and Thanks for All the Hawks

In my blog last week, you may recall that I wished for one final push of Broad-winged Hawks. I am happy to report that my wish came true. On the very next day, I counted 780 broad-wings, and by the last day of the count (yesterday), I added another 400 to the season total. [...]

2021-06-02T13:22:29-04:00June 1st, 2021|Migration Counts|Comments Off on So Long, and Thanks for All the Hawks

And the Raptor of the Season Award Goes to…

Rough-legged Hawk! Yes, indeed, this beautiful buteo will be taking home the Copper Kettle, our illustrious and in every way, non-existent, totally made-up, Raptor of the Season award. While not an actual award, an old, unusable kettle at the field house could easily be repurposed for just such an honor. With raptor migration winding [...]

2021-05-27T09:52:41-04:00May 25th, 2021|Migration Counts|Comments Off on And the Raptor of the Season Award Goes to…

Flight of the Sharpies

Well, folks, it finally happened. Sharp-shinned Hawks dominated the skies, with nearly 3,000 birds zipping past the hawk deck this past weekend. Days like these are what hawk counters live for, and as each hawk passes, it takes with it a bit of the memory of hours upon hours of staring at the empty [...]

2021-05-27T09:54:09-04:00May 4th, 2021|Migration Counts|Comments Off on Flight of the Sharpies

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

I am sure you have heard the expression "a picture is worth a thousand words" but, have you ever asked yourself how much a picture costs? These days, I am just as likely to see a person carrying a camera up to the hawk deck as I am likely to see a person carrying [...]

2021-04-28T12:59:51-04:00April 27th, 2021|Migration Counts|Comments Off on A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
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