The spring’s 300th Long-eared Owl!

We’d like to start off by thanking all of this year’s Spring Fling attendees for their interest & support! Thankfully the owls were cooperative over Spring Fling weekend and many attendees were able to see some of the Long-eareds and Northern Saw-whets we banded that weekend. The nights since our last post have remained productive. Since our last post we have banded another 71 Saw-whets, one Boreal & 105 Long-eared Owls. This brings the season total up to 855 owls banded; 546 Saw-whets, three Boreals, 301 Long-eareds, four Barreds & one Great Horned.

We mentioned in our last post that WPBO now holds the three highest North American totals for the number of Long-eareds banded in a migratory season. Although we have experienced two consecutive spring seasons with big Long-eared numbers in the past, we are amazed that we have have now banded over 300 Long-eareds again this spring. We also recently recaptured the second Long-eared Owl of the season. This one was originally banded by Nova on the night of May 5, 2013 and Nova recaptured her this year on the night of May 2. When she was originally banded we were able to determine that she had hatched in 2010 or earlier, so she will be turning at least 7 years old this summer!

Nova with the female Long-eared Owl she originally banded in May, 2013.

Chris Neri & Nova Mackentley