Since the last posting, the transition from the movement of adult Northern Saw-whet Owls (NSWO) to juvenile NSWO took full effect. Over the past week, we banded 50 juveniles and six adults. It’s become apparent that we most likely are not going to see a continuation of the 5-year cycle of peak NSWO reproductive success that we saw in 2007, 2012, and 2017. We weren’t sure if the unexpected peak we experienced in 2020 would disrupt this cycle, but at this point, it looks like it has. On the plus side, it is not a crash year for NSWO reproductive success. Juvenile numbers after the peaks in 2007, 2012, and 2017 ranged from 59 to 71. Juvenile NSWO numbers last summer did not crash after the unexpected peak in 2020, and we banded 388. As we stated in an early post this season, we were at a particular loss as to what to expect this summer. Although it seems we will not see a peak on the 5-year cycle that we experienced in the past, the increase in juveniles this past week now has us at 100 banded so far this season. To date, we have banded 100 juvenile NSWO, 96 adult NSWO, and five Long-eared Owls.

One of the season’s five Long-eared Owls.

The moth of the week is the season’s first underwing. We spotted this very well camouflaged once-married underwing while on a net check last night. Although they can be very cryptic while their wings are closed, many underwings have brilliantly colored hindwings.

An easily overlooked once-married underwing on a jack pine.

A close-up of the once-married underwing.

A ONce-married Underwing flashes its brilliant hindwings.

A once-married underwing flashes its brilliant hindwings.

-Chris Neri & Cory Gregory
2022 WPBO Summer Owl Banders

You can read Chris and Cory’s weekly blog posts and follow WPBO’s social media (FacebookInstagram, and Twitter) for owl banding highlights this season.

Owl Banding Presentations — Visitors may observe owls that have been banded on Friday and Saturday evenings from dusk until midnight. Please note that banding is weather dependent and it is at the banders’ discretion to cancel banding accordingly. Observation will be limited to outdoors only and we encourage participants to wear masks and continue to practice social distancing whenever possible. For the safety of the owls, flash photography and recording video is prohibited.