

Fall Waterbird Count Update – Week 3 (8/29-9/4)

While it was mostly quiet in terms of songbirds and raptors, it was an exciting week for waterbird counting at Whitefish Point! Due to passing storm fronts and winds shifting to the NW, we [...]

By |September 5th, 2024|Categories: Migration Counts, Waterbird Count|Comments Off on Fall Waterbird Count Update – Week 3 (8/29-9/4)

Fall Owl Banding | Strategic Pause for Future Planning

Please be advised, Fall Owl Banding for 2024 is currently suspended. Owl banding is WPBO’s most resource-intensive program. We’re using this pause to thoroughly evaluate its structure, costs, and impact, aiming to enhance efficiency and [...]

By |September 5th, 2024|Categories: Owl Banding|Comments Off on Fall Owl Banding | Strategic Pause for Future Planning

Fall Waterbird Count Update – Week 2 (8/22-8/28)

Things started to heat up during the second week of the fall waterbird count at Whitefish Point. While some species from the first week, such as Piping Plover, have already departed, the influx of [...]

By |August 29th, 2024|Categories: Migration Counts, Waterbird Count|Comments Off on Fall Waterbird Count Update – Week 2 (8/22-8/28)

Fall Waterbird Count Update – Week 1 (8/15-8/21)

The first week of the fall count at Whitefish Point has officially wrapped up, and the waterbirds are starting to move. We had 29 species of waterbird pass by the Point during our counts [...]

By |August 22nd, 2024|Categories: Migration Counts, Waterbird Count|Comments Off on Fall Waterbird Count Update – Week 1 (8/15-8/21)
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